let's see if i can remember this right (even though it just happened!) -
dominic says at bedtime, "tell me a story"
ok, once upon a time there was a mean monkey---
"no it was an escavator!"
ok, there was a mean excavator---
"no, she was nice! a nice mouth escavator!"
ok, there was a nice mouth excavator. and she always helped everyone and was nice to everyone. one day she saw a monkey---
"no, it was a truck!"
ok, the truck needed help carrying his groceries---
"no, it was a pick-a-purple-pickle-pick truck!"
ok, the pick-a-purple-pickle-pick truck needed help with groceries---
"no, it was carrying pickles!"
well, the excavator helped that truck carry his pickles---
"she carried them one at a time"
were they very big pickles?
"no, they were tiiiiiiiiny."
oh, well, then she can carry a lot of pickles if they were tiny.
"ok, they were a little bit tiny."
ok, she carried them one at a time across the river---
"to here!"
she carried them one at a time across the river to dominic's house---
"it's omi's house!"
she carried them one at a time to omi's house---
"she put them in a jar!"
ok, she put them in a jar in omi's fridge---
"no, she put them in the freezer! in the downstairs freezer!"
and then opa ate them---
"no, dominic ate one!"
"and it was TOTALLY SPICY!"
[at this point, i start dying of laughter]
"it's not funny!"
ok, opa was eating them and dominic came and said, can i have one? and then he ate one and it was TOTALLY SPICY.
the end.